
I owe ya two things, I know.
I'm working on both of them.

This was an odd week for me. A television show highlighted my site and described me as a "dickhead." A surge of traffic came to my site looking for that dickhead. I'd like to think the majority left with a more favorable opinion.

But several people came to my chatroom wanting to engage me in debates about my character. It was a new experience for me. I've dealt with it tons in email, but not with the audience of my chat room.

My chat room on citizenX.com is like my virtual living room. It's hard not to want to defend yourself when someone is badmouthing you in your own house. But, I guess, it's something I need to learn to let go of.

After defending myself in some lengthy, energy-draining chatroom conversations, I decided to write a standard response to my detractors.

It resides at

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